第58期 組合ニュース第7号『巨額の裁判費用、失われた信用、責任をとるのは誰だ? 学生・保護者の経済的苦境を尻目に、無駄な裁判にお金を投入?』

第58期組合ニュース7号です。 『 1.みんなで学ぼう!職場の法律(1)黄犬契約に注意!(2)2020年4月に改正私学法が施行されています!2.巨額の裁判費用、失われた信用、責任をとるのは誰だ? 学生・保護者の経済的苦境を尻目に、無駄な裁判にお金を投入?』を記載しました。なお、pdfファイルにはパスワードが掛かっております。パスワードは以前に組合からのメールにて連絡しておりますが、不明な場合には、union.chukyo-a-gmail.com(-a-を@に置き換えてください)まで連絡をください。みなさま(非組合員を含む)からの投稿もお待ちしております。

Who will take responsibility for the huge court costs ? For the loss of credibility ? And for the defeat ? We must not allow the school to waste on useless trials money coming from students’ fees.

In Professor Ra’s trial, the school lost the case, wasted a large amount of money and damaged its credibility. The author considers the responsibility of the chairman, of the president, of the vice president and of the legal counsel, explaining the role played by each of them in the decision process that led to Professor Ra’s unfair dismissal. He also insists that the interests of the students have been totally disregarded. Although it is highly unlikely that the judgement can be overturned or substantially modified, the school decided to appeal it. Part of the trial’s cost has been covered with money coming from the fees paid by the students, while so many of them are in a difficult financial situation. School fees should not be poured in useless trials.

Your contributions in English or Japanese are most welcome!
Send e-mail to ’union.chukyo-a-gmail.com (substituting -a- to @ )
